HL2DM - BOUNCE - Remake project. |
Author : Patrik "Zyndrome" Evstrand WWW : www.shatteredminds.net E-Mail : zyndrome [at] shatteredminds.net Originally made by : ValveŠ Software. This map is also getting modified later for use in Black Mesa : Source.
Installation |
Just unpack to your "Half-Life 2 Deathmatch" folder.
History |
* Modified soundscapes, less noisy now. * Added more detail and light in watertunnel with RPG. * Cave-area reworked. Pretty effects too. * Water doesn't bug any longer. More muddy water used in cave. * Added SLAM. * Moved around some ammo. Only one RPG-round spawns on the map now. * More detailed cornerbend in the tunnel between outdoors and room with magnum. * Reworked props in the room behind the healthcharger. * All lights have a lightsource now :P * 3D-skybox! This also makes the sun less irritating. * Added trees and supportpoles (with wires) in the outdoor-area. * More detailed lightmapping in most areas (sharper shadows). * More trees around the top. * Uuuuh... stuff I can't remember :/
* Soundscapes! Environment sounds and echos! (backup your scripts/soundscapes_manifest.txt, if it exists) * Some texturechanges. * Added more detail and changed lightsetting in room with ladder leading to magnum and exit-pipe. * Added more detail at healthcharger-room. * Grass now shows on all grass surfaces. * Light moved away from healthcharger-room ladder-exit, and placed in the watercave. * Missing clipbrushes fixed. Can no longer get up on the high terrain. * Lots of glitches fixed. * Changed, removed and added props to throw around. (Paintbuckets!) - The water in the cave still change cubemap depending from where you look at it. Will be fixed before beta 3 or final. - The soundscapes are not final.
Initial release. A bunch of objects scattered randomly around the map for you to play with the gravgun :P . This release is mainly for the purpose to pinpoint any inbalances and see how it performs with a high amount of players. There are 20 spawnpoints around the map, so battles can turn interesting :P . There are some bugs like misplaced triangles in the terrain, screwy ladders and bugs I like you to find and report. Please keep in mind that this is not final, for christ sakes!
Credits & stuff |
* ValveŠ for making another epic game, and for making the original Bounce in HL1! * Help, feedback and suggestions from various community members. Much luv 2 u, st0lve~! * MapCore, Halflife.nu, and Leveldesign.nu for beta-testing! * Coca Cola for keeping me alive and awake. * My dog for forcing me to get some fresh air...