#pragma semicolon 1 #include #include #include #undef REQUIRE_PLUGIN #include #define REQUIRE_PLUGIN 1 #define VERSION "" public Plugin:myinfo = { name = "Aimbot Detection", author = "devicenull", description = "Detects aimbots", version = VERSION, url = "http://www.devicenull.org/" }; //From the hl2sdk, game_shared/shareddefs.h #define MAX_HITGROUP 8 #define HITGROUP_GENERIC 0 #define HITGROUP_HEAD 1 #define HITGROUP_CHEST 2 #define HITGROUP_STOMACH 3 #define HITGROUP_LEFTARM 4 #define HITGROUP_RIGHTARM 5 #define HITGROUP_LEFTLEG 6 #define HITGROUP_RIGHTLEG 7 //We ignore gear, it doesnt do damage #define HITGROUP_GEAR 10 new String:hitgroups[MAX_HITGROUP][] = { "GENERIC" ,"HEAD" ,"CHEST" ,"STOMACH" ,"LEFTARM" ,"RIGHTARM" ,"LEFTLEG" ,"RIGHTLEG" }; #define MAX_PLAYERS MAXPLAYERS+1 #define MAX_WEAPONS 32 //Config file stuff new String:weapons[MAX_WEAPONS][64]; new Float:wpnWeights[MAX_WEAPONS]; new nextWeapon; //Player data new Float:plData[MAX_PLAYERS][MAX_HITGROUP]; new Float:plSamples[MAX_PLAYERS]; //Last time we alerted for this player new LastMessage[MAX_PLAYERS]; //Which menu the player is displaying new curSel[MAX_PLAYERS]; //Console variable //aim_minimum_data new Handle:cMinData; //aim_minimum_percentage new Handle:cMinPercentage; //aim_torso_weight new Handle:cTorsoWeight; //aim_limb_weight new Handle:cLimbWeight; //aim_irc_channel new Handle:cIrcChan; new admFeatures; #define FEATURE_BAT 1 #define FEATURE_MANI 2 #define FEATURE_IRC 4 new nextPlayer; new curTrace; new totalCount[MAX_PLAYERS]; #define DEG2RAD (3.1415927/180) #define RAD2DEG (180/3.1415927) #define PRECISION 0.001 public OnPluginStart() { HookEvent("player_hurt",playerHurt); RegConsoleCmd("aim_info",AimInfo); decl String:temp[256]; PrintToServer("Loading weapon data... "); BuildPath(Path_SM,temp,256,"configs/weapondata.ini"); new Handle:fl = OpenFile(temp,"r"); decl String:arg[64]; while (!IsEndOfFile(fl)) { ReadFileLine(fl,temp,256); new pos = BreakString(temp,weapons[nextWeapon],64); BreakString(temp[pos],arg,64); wpnWeights[nextWeapon] = StringToFloat(arg); ++nextWeapon; } CloseHandle(fl); for (new i=1;i= MAX_HITGROUP) { return; } new attacker = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event,"attacker")); new String:wpnname[64]; GetEventString(event,"weapon",wpnname,64); new wpnIndex = -1; for (new i=0;i GetMaxClients()) nextPlayer = 1; return Plugin_Continue; } decl Float:percent[MAX_HITGROUP]; for (new i=0;i maxPercent) { Format(msg,256,"\x02Warning:\x0F Player %s (%s): %.0f (%.02f percent) hits to the %s" ,plName,plId,plData[nextPlayer][i],(percent[i]*100.0),hitgroups[i]); LogToGame("%s",msg); if (admFeatures&FEATURE_BAT) { ServerCommand("admin_chat %s",msg); } if (admFeatures&FEATURE_MANI) { ServerCommand("ma_chat %s",msg); } if (admFeatures&FEATURE_IRC) { IRC_PrivMsg(ircchan,"%s",msg); } for (new j=1;j GetMaxClients()) nextPlayer = 1; return Plugin_Continue; } public bool:filter(entity, contentsMask) { if (entity == curTrace) { return false; } if (entity >=1 && entity <= GetMaxClients()) { return true; } return false; } public Action:AimInfo(client,args) { curSel[client] = client; AimMenu(client); return Plugin_Handled; } AimMenu(to) { new Handle:pnl = CreatePanel(); new String:temp[256]; GetClientName(curSel[to],temp,256); SetPanelTitle(pnl,temp); DrawPanelItem(pnl," ",ITEMDRAW_SPACER); Format(temp,256,"Sample count: %.2f",plSamples[curSel[to]]); DrawPanelText(pnl,temp); if (plSamples[curSel[to]] == 0) { DrawPanelText(pnl,"No data"); } else { for (new i=0;i 0) { DrawPanelItem(pnl,"Prev",ITEMDRAW_CONTROL); } else { DrawPanelItem(pnl,"Prev",ITEMDRAW_NOTEXT); } DrawPanelItem(pnl,"Exit",ITEMDRAW_CONTROL); SendPanelToClient(pnl,to,AimInfo_Handler,MENU_TIME_FOREVER); } public AimInfo_Handler(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, param1, param2) { if (action == MenuAction_Select) { //(param1=client, param2=item) if (param2 == 10) { curSel[param1] = 0; return; } new cnt = 1; if (param2 == 9) { //Prev cnt = -1; } new nextDisp = curSel[param1]+cnt; while (nextDisp > 0 && nextDisp <= GetMaxClients()) { if (IsClientInGame(nextDisp) && !IsFakeClient(nextDisp)) { break; } nextDisp += cnt; } if (nextDisp > 0 && nextDisp <= GetMaxClients() && IsClientInGame(nextDisp) && !IsFakeClient(nextDisp)) { curSel[param1] = nextDisp; AimMenu(param1); } else { AimMenu(param1); } } else if (action == MenuAction_Cancel) { if (param2 != MenuCancel_Interrupted) { curSel[param1] = 0; } } } public Action:UpdateMenus(Handle:timer, Handle:hndl) { for (new i=1;i 0) { AimMenu(i); } } } ClearInfo(client) { if (client <= 0) return; plSamples[client] = 0.0; for (new i=0;i